Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | LaShonda Walker
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Certified Adult Chair® Coach

Positive Discipline Parent Educator




Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

LaShonda Walker

Certified Adult Chair® Coach + Positive Discipline Parent Educator | Dallas, Texas

Hi! I’m LaShonda, a Certifed Adult Chair® Coach and Parent Educator and I’m here to help you get unstuck by uncovering the false stories, emotional blocks and generational patterns keeping you stuck in the past so you can live an emotionally conscious and authentic life.

I know first hand what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, frustrated and triggered by life. I was doing ‘all the things’ to keep up with all of life’s demands and nothing felt like it was giving ME fulfillment! There was a time when I literally just wanted to quit everything because I felt like I was living my life for everyone else. This gave me stress knots, anxiety, fatigue, irritation, and I felt like I was always in fight, flight, or fawn mode. Self-Sacrifice was the title of the story I was writing, but it wasn’t the story I wanted.

When I found The Adult Chair® Model and began applying its principles of 'simple psychology, meets grounded spirituality’ and every area of my life began to change. I used the tools in the model to uncover unconscious beliefs, and I was able to get clear on who I truly am based on conscious beliefs rooted in fact and truth.

Today, I'm passionate about helping others write a new story. As your coach, I'll help you learn how to edit the unconscious stories and behaviors that are keeping you stuck so you can connect to the True Story of who you are.

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