Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Beverly Anew
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Certified Adult Chair® Coach




Nashville, TN

Beverly Anew

Certified Adult Chair® Coach | Nashville, TN

Are you feeling stuck and discouraged by life circumstances? Do you experience anxiety or depression, lack hope, or feel alone and overwhelmed by emotions? Are you ready to meet the authentic version of you by washing clean the past and learning how to stay present with no fear of the future?
My name is Bev Anew, founder of Washed Clean Coaching and an Adult Chair® Certified Coach. I went from confusion to clarity, from fear to freedom, and from shame to strength. Now I walk alongside clients to help them identify and overcome limiting beliefs, learn how to process emotions, and navigate life in their Adult Chair. This model changed my life so much that I became certified to help others learn what works! I offer a Christian-based, holistic approach that helps people break free from the past to rediscover who they are, become empowered, and transform into the person God designed them to be.  Through one-on-one sessions and group coaching for women, men, and even teens, I help create life change. I also provide coaching during divorce to gather and organize evidence, prepare for court, stay regulated during court, and provide support during the process.   Freedom comes when we walk away from the path of pain and find our path of peace by cleansing old patterns and learning tools and techniques to discover a healthier version of ourselves. I lead clients to heal their wounding and discover their truth. Take the first step today to become washed clean! 

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