Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | April Mae
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Certified Adult Chair® Coach




Geneva, FL

April Mae

Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach | Geneva, FL

Hi, I'm April Mae. I am a certified holistic life coach and owner of Embrace Today Coaching. I work with parents who are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and alone and who are ready for outside support. If this describes you, I want you to know that you aren't alone, I've been where you are. Today you may feel this way, but I promise that you can move through this. Together we will identify the root cause of these feelings and unlock the path to move you forward. Even on your first session, I will teach you practical tools and techniques that you can use immediately. You will come away feeling empowered to take steps towards creating the life you want to live. I will guide you to live and parent from your Adult Chair®, which is the healthiest and most authentic version of you. My practice was developed by combining The Adult Chair® model and years of essential oil knowledge, energy work, and meditation. Your session will be uniquely tailored to your goals. Most sessions include experiential components like inner child work, breath work, mindfulness and embodiment exercises. At the end of every session, I will recommend additional work so that you can continue the emotional healing process outside of sessions. As your coach, I will stand beside you and link arms with you as you walk through this challenging time. I will speak truth and lead you to find your own inner wisdom. The answers you are seeking are within you, I simply show you the way to uncover them. If you are ready, I will show you how to Embrace Today, no matter what comes your way.

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