Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Anita Newton
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Certified Adult Chair® Coach

Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach

Yoga Instructor




Nashville, TN

Anita Newton

Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach + Yoga Instructor | Nashville, TN

Do you feel like there's more to life than just going through the motions? If so, I have very good news for you: I have the tools to help you reconnect with your passions and joy to create the exciting, full life that deep down you've always know was there for you. I've always been a seeker, but after my divorce and a bit of a mid-life crisis, I was drawn to different types of therapy, self-improvement books and workshops. All of it led me to finding The Adult Chair® model, which put my healing into overdrive. I have found what works for me and thousands of others, and I know it will work for you. I've coached women just like you to take back the reins of their lives – or to pick them up for the first time. I would be honored to guide you on this path to discover the woman you were created to be and to be equipped to live an abundant and authentic life.

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