Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | A Little More About Me
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A Little More About Me Life from the Adult Chair

Hi, I’m Michelle, and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to take the journey toward discovering and loving your most authentic self! I’m right here with you, giving you the tools, exercises and practical tips you need along the way. This is the roadmap I use every day to live fully and freely just like I know you can!


From having a deep spiritual intuition as a child to searching for answers to my own struggles, I’ve always lived my life asking “Why?” or “Is there another way?”. I am constantly seeking to understand truth what feels right, what makes sense and what works and use that knowledge to help others grow and flourish on their path.


Growing up, my family was loving, but also dysfunctional. Like many of us, I witnessed addiction, codependency and lack of healthy boundaries. On the outside, I appeared to be ok, but inside, I struggled with deep depression, anxiety and destructive coping mechanisms. Finally, I realized this was not who I was at the core — and your struggles are not who you are you either! We’re not broken and we don’t have to live from our wounding. Knowing that is where the journey of hope and transformation begins!


This led me to pursue a master’s in counseling and open a private practice, wanting solutions for my own challenges and to help others going through the same thing. But as I practiced, I still felt something was missing.

So, I allowed my curiosity to lead me to amazing mentors, books, classes and methods across spirituality and psychology. I continued my training to include energy medicine, meridian therapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), PSYCH-K, chakra balancing, meditation, intuition, and yoga. And finally, while studying under very wise teachers, I developed The Adult Chair model, which has helped thousands of people just like you gain awareness, freedom and discover their truest selves.


Today, I’ve combined 25 years of seeking and studying to give you a roadmap for a happy, peaceful and powerful life. My practical tools and integrated, experiential approach will help you uncover and heal old wounds, remove your mask and guide you toward your most authentic self which will lead you to better relationships, reduced stress and true happiness and joy. It is the only way to live!


I’m thrilled to have you with me on this lifelong journey, and I’m walking with you each step of the way! 


Many, many blessings sent to you today and always,

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